Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Rights of the Child in National and International Essays

Rights of the Child in National and International Essays Rights of the Child in National and International Contexts Theoretical Aspects. Vygotsky observed children as active learners who wish to make sense of their experience and he observed learning taking place in a social context. He discerned a process through which children grew into the intellectual life of the more mature children and adults around them. This was very much unlike Piaget who saw cognition and intellectual growth developing in a child in several maturational stages. To Vygotsky every function in the child's cultural development appears twice. First on the social level and later, on the individual level; first between people (inter Psychological) and then inside the child (intra Psychological) (cited at p 32 of S. Bartlett et al 2004) Vygotsky's seminal work was on the relationship between language and thought, for him "language was generated from the need to communicate and was central to development of thinking". Vygotsky also stressed importance of talk as a learning tool. Pupil talk is encouraged as it allows learners to refine what they know through expression of their thoughts. "Reports of some Eminence have reinforced the status of talk in the class room" (cited p 139 S. Bartlett et al 2004) Examples of such reports are the Bullock report (1975) Assessment of Performance unit report (1986). Concept of Psychological tools was a cornerstone of Vygotsky's theory. To him these tools serve as " a bridge between individual acts of cognition and the symbolic socio cultural requirements of these acts" (Kozulin 1998 cited at P138 in S Bartleet et al 2004) He explained inter cultural cognitive differences to "variances in systems of such tools and methods of their acquisition practiced in different cultures" (cited at P 140 of S. Bartlett et al 2004) The work of Vygotsky has pedagogical implication implying a problem solving approach for the learner and a enabling role for the Teacher. Brown (1994 :7 cited at P 141 in S Bartleet et al 2004) argued that "students navigate by different routes and at different rates but the push is towards upper rather than lower levels of competence". Grouping and pairing of learners with similar capacities was observed by Bruner as advantageous. In encouraging learning, to Bruner, good pedagogy encourages students to discover principles by themselves; the teacher provides an assistant's role. This implies an exercise of "scaffolding" put up by teacher, removed, when felt no longer necessary. A concept introduced by Vygotsky to explain the distance between a child's actual development as determined by independent problem solving and level of potential development under guidance with elders or peers was described as Zone of Proximal Development (cited at P 35 in Fifty Great Modern Thinkers, J.A. Palmer Routeledge London reprint 2004). These zones vary from pupil to pupil and extent of variation may pose a challenge to the teacher. Broenfen bremer (1979) offered a model of ecological systems to explain inter connectedness of environmental factors that impact on a child's learning. He proposed four "nested systems" of development. A micro system (home, class room) a Meso system (links between micro systems) an Exo system (setting where child does not participate and a Macro system (ideology, subculture where child lives). This model helps explain the inter connectedness of environmental factors, and its impact on a child's learning. As for example, how Health, parental care, national level policy decisions impact on a child's learning. (cited at p 151 of S. Bartlett et al 2004) Critical Awareness Child labour and child work are two terms that have been used alternatively. Generally a difference has been noted in house hold work and work outside the house hold. In such situations there is reference to external child labour or hidden or invisible child labour. Several authorities have identified worst forms of child labour and differences between "labour" and "work". In order to have a more meaningful understanding of the terms one goes back to the cause of child labour and remedies to such causes which may lead to programmes and campaigns that are preventive. Poverty drives the child to enter the labour market often exposing the child to dangerous and abusive work conditions. Child labour is defined by the UNCRC article 32 as the right to be protected from economic exploitation and from participating in any work that is hazardous or interferes with the child's education health or development. Work is identified as activities undertaken by children to contribute to their own and or family income. Some working children see it as dignified as it contributes to family survival others see work as harmful and exploitative. (http//www/savethechildren.org.uk/scuk.cache/cmsattach/411-childlabour) Save the children a Non government orgnaisation that takes a pragmatic approach to child labour

Friday, November 22, 2019

Grammar Tips Subjectâ€Verb Agreement - Proofread My Paper

Grammar Tips Subject–Verb Agreement - Proofread My Paper Grammar Tips: Subject–Verb Agreement An important part of writing a grammatical sentence is making sure that the subject and verb in a sentence agree. In the following, well take a look at some of the basics. The Basics of Subject–Verb Agreement In the present tense, subject–verb agreement requires using singular verbs with singular subjects and plural verbs with plural subjects. In this context, the â€Å"subject† is the person or thing in the sentence performing the action, while the verb is the action being performed: Singular Subject Present Tense Singular Verb The bird†¦ †¦sings. Plural Subject Present Tense Plural Verb The birds†¦ †¦sing. In the simple past tense, though, there’s usually no difference between singular and plural verbs: Singular Subject Past Tense Verb The bird†¦ †¦sang. Plural Subject Past Tense Verb The birds†¦ †¦sang. Songbirds themselves care little for grammar.(Photo: Georg_Wietschorke) Compound Subjects Subject–verb agreement becomes more complicated when using a compound subject. When two subjects are joined with the coordinating conjunction â€Å"and,† we always use a plural verb: Bob and Cheryl are going to the game. However, when using â€Å"either/or† or â€Å"neither/nor† in a compound subject, whether to use a singular or plural verb depends on the term nearest to the verb: Singular: Either the girls or the boy is going to the game. Plural: Neither the boy nor the girls are going to the game. In the above, we use the singular â€Å"is† when the singular noun â€Å"boy† comes after â€Å"or,† but the plural verb â€Å"are† when the plural noun â€Å"girls† comes after the conjunction. Parenthetical Statements One common mistake with subject–verb agreement occurs when a parenthetical statement appears between the subject and the verb: The man, in the company of his dog, goes for a walk. Here, we use the singular verb â€Å"goes† because the bit of the dog is mentioned within a parenthetical clause (i.e., within commas), not as part of the subject of the sentence. If we rephrased this so that the dog was part of a compound subject, we would use the plural verb â€Å"go† instead: The man and his dog go for a walk. But when an additional person or thing is mentioned in parentheses or within commas, the verb should always agree with the subject that appears outside of the parenthetical clause. A man trying to explain parenthetical statements to his dog.(Photo: ToNic-Pics) Collective and Mass Nouns Another potential confusion relates to the use of collective nouns. In American English, these require using a singular verb despite referring to a group of things: The team is playing to win! Here, we use â€Å"is† because â€Å"team† is singular. Mass (or â€Å"non-count†) nouns are similar, since they take singular verbs despite referring to a mass substance (e.g., â€Å"milk† or â€Å"sand†): The milk is going sour. Here, it doesn’t matter how much milk we’re discussing: we’d always use the singular â€Å"is.† Some Exceptions As usual in English, there are exceptions to the rules above. The first-person â€Å"I† and the singular second-person â€Å"you,† for example, reverse the usual rules in the present tense (e.g., we say â€Å"I sing† not â€Å"I sings,† even though â€Å"I† is singular and â€Å"sing† is usually a plural verb). Auxiliary (or â€Å"helper†) verbs (e.g., â€Å"is†/â€Å"are† or â€Å"has†/â€Å"have†) also cause trouble, since they often change depending on whether the subject is singular or plural when using a past participle (e.g., â€Å"The boy has finished his homework† vs. â€Å"The boys have finished their homework†). And since the rules do vary depending on how a sentence is constructed, it pays to be careful with subject–verb agreement! Having your work proofread is a good idea if you’re not confident about this aspect of grammar.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reproductive Health as A Womans Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reproductive Health as A Womans Issue - Essay Example Perhaps nowhere in the world today where every aspect of women’s reproductive health is heavily scrutinized than in that country. Which explains why it is worthy to take notice if such measure of improving women’s health is valid and re-examine our own stance with the arguments presented. There are two sides of the argument, according to pro-RH Bill â€Å"the reproductive health (RH) bill promotes information on and access to both natural and modern family planning methods, which are medically safe and legally permissible. It assures an enabling environment where women and couples have the freedom of informed choice on the mode of family planning they want to adopt based on their needs, personal convictions and religious beliefs. On the other side of the coin is the â€Å"the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines' Fr. Melvin Castro drew raised eyebrows when he said tubal ligation, a popular medical method involving the cutting women's Fallopian tubes to preve nt them from becoming pregnant again, is considered as a sin by the church (Philippine Daily Inquirer).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Working Culture of Big Organizations Case Study

The Working Culture of Big Organizations - Case Study Example When MIGROS thinks of expanding abroad, I would strongly suggest India, not because it is my country, but because of the very favorable economic situation prevailing in this country, notwithstanding the depression that has engulfed most of the global markets. The mention of the name MIGROS kindles many expectations about this organization for its quality products and its philanthropic attitude towards business. MIGROS wish to serve the community. The 15th Parliament Elections have brought about the stunning victory for the Indian National Congress Party that has been pursuing the policy of liberalization in the economic front, under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister. He is an economist of international repute and former Governor of Reserve Bank of India. During the last five years, this country has attained rapid economic growth. He can feel the pulse of the Indian economy in the global context. Corporate performance has been stunning under his leadership. During his speech in Parliament, while presenting the Budget 1994-95, as the Union Finance Minister, he quoted Victor Hugo: "No power on Earth can stop an idea whose time has come." True to his vision, the productivity in the Indian industry grew like never before†¦now, we have a very different economy as compared what it was 10 years ago. Far from close to defaulting on its international debts, the economy is sizzling and has posted 10.4 percent GDP growth last quarter. More economic reforms, liberalization, and corporate-friendly policies are on the cards. So, I feel this is the right time for an international retail giant like MIGROS to make the entry in the Indian Market in a big way. The city of Faridabad is known all over India. The management of top commercial establishments of any country must know Faridabad. It became the 12th District of Haryana State, an important State of India, from the point of view of both industry and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Gileadean regime and how are these portrayed Essay Example for Free

The Gileadean regime and how are these portrayed Essay There are also few occasions in the telling of her story where Offred seems almost inconsolable through sheer desperation as a result of the lack of normality in her life, I want her back (her mother), I want everything back, the way it was. She is desperate to escape from this regime which has bound her to such alienation. She wants to love and be loved once again. When Offred looks inside herself in her moments of nostalgia, she does find a set of memories that allow her to recall a sense of herself. She can remember her job, her love for her husband, her daughter, her mother, her friends; particularly Moira, her education and the successes and failures of everyday life. Throughout the book she tries to hold on to these, but eventually they begin to fade away. Luke and her daughter slip into past tense. She fears that she is finally betraying Luke when she has her affair with Nick, and she feels erased by time, no longer a presence in her daughters existence. I sit in the chair and think about the word chair. It can also mean the leader of a meeting. It can also mean a mode of execution. It is the first syllable in charity On many occasions throughout the novel Offred plays with language. Language is one of the central symbolic themes of the novel and it is something that is restricted and demoted in Gilead. Barbara Hill Rigney2 described Atwoods use of such a mechanism in the Handmaids Tale to represent Offreds oppression as: Language is a fragile protest, but it represents the only salvation possible. I believe this is absolutely true in that Offred being able to relate her story to somebody else is what keeps her sane. It gives her some form of escape where she does not have to be someone she isnt, yet she can choose to be exactly what she wants; its her story, her choices. According to Amin Malik1 what makes Atwoods book such a moving tale is its clever technique in presenting the heroine initially as a vice like sleepwalker conceiving disjointed perceptions of its surroundings, as well as flashing reminiscences about a bygone life. As the scenes gather more details and momentum, Offreds narrative transfigures into a full roundedness that parallels her maturing comprehension of what is happening around her. Atwood skilfully manipulates the time sequence between Offreds past (pre-Gilead) and the present: those shifting reminiscences offer glimpses of a life, though not ideal, still filled with energy, creativity, humaneness and a sense of selfhood, a life that sharply contrasts with the alienation, slavery and suffering under totalitarianism. 1. Amin Malik, Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale and the Dystopian Tradition, 1987 2. Barbara Hill Rigney- Atwood Critic Published by Macmillan Press 1987. Dec 2003 Miss. Slocombe Nasima Begum 12B Pg 1 of 3 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Margaret Atwood section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Iran-Contra Affair Essay -- US International Relations

America had begun to indulge in the unilateral environment afforded to it during the Cold War. As the Soviet Union began to collapse in the 1980s, the United States was on its way to becoming a solo super power. This acquisition of complete power would inevitably lead the country into new problems, including those foreign and domestic. One of the main issues that came around in the 1980s for the Unites States was the Iran-Contra Affair, which involved the Reagan Administration. With the United States readily inserting influence across the globe, the Iran-Contra Affair proved how foreign intervention can lead to scandal and disgrace in the modern world. Along with detrimental scandals, the Iran-Contra Affair showed how America’s imperialistic behavior in South America was beginning to catch up. In order to remain a dominant influence in South America, the United States had no choice but to topple governments that did not align with American ideology. Using guerillas like the C ontras insinuates America’s cornerstone of doing what is necessary in order to satisfy foreign interest. The Iran-Contra Affair involved the United States, Iran, and Lebanon. The affair coincided with the Iranian hostage crisis, which promoted the United States’ actions in sending weapons to Iran. The Reagan administration decided to trade arms for hostages in hopes of successfully retrieving American hostages from Iran. Iran was at the time under the power of Ayatollah Khomeini, who had put his full support behind the hostage crisis and believed there was nothing that the United States could do to Iran. America’s only chance of rescuing the hostages was to put their support behind Iran in the Iran-Iraq War, which involved the shipment of weapons to Iran f... ...es when it comes to implementing controversial foreign policy decisions that directly affect Americans and those in different countries. The main aspect of the affair that greatly influences the United States’ government is ensuring that its past imperialistic motives do not become an integral part of American affairs once again. Works Cited Boland Amendment. Decemmber 2010. http://www.fact-index.com/b/bo/boland_amendment.html (accessed Novemeber 2010). PBS. Reagan Timeline. 2000. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/reagan/timeline/index_5.html (accessed November 2010). U.S. History: Iran-Contra Affair. Iran-Contra Affair. 2010. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1889.html. Vianica. History of the Sandinista Revolution: the union of a whole nation. January 2010. http://vianica.com/go/specials/15-sandinista-revolution-in-nicaragua.html (accessed November 2010).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An Indivisible Peace

It is very inevitable that somewhere in our lives, we have been touched by a special bond called â€Å"friendship†.   That special bond might happen in the most unusual time and place. It might even be connected not just with love, but also with envy and selfishness.A Separate Peace is a timeless novel which depicts a tale of two best friends named Gene and Finny or Phineas who are both away from their homes to attend boarding school during World War II. Since both of them are experiencing the same hardships, pressures and turmoils that come with boarding school, they both create a unique bond and help each other survive tough times. They help each other develop independence and courage while trapped in a boarding school that's full of distressing things.The plot revolves around Devon School which is said to be the most beautiful school in New England because it helps its male students master both scholarly and athletic facets of their lives. Devon School is a boarding schoo l which has an atmosphere of privileged students.The students who are accepted in Devon both possess class and money. It is very usual that a school is just a place for educational achievements and at the same time, personality growth. But Devon isn't just an ordinary   institution for it's a place wherein the boys get the chance to be carefree without worrying about their reputations being ruined.The novel is set on World War II, a very crucial point for the boys because it is the time wherein they'll choose which certain military branch will they enlist in. The boys aren't really forced to enlist in the military but during that time, being involved in the war is truly a great status symbol for it proves the courage of a man. Both Gene and Finny possess contrasting personalities.Gene is a man who excels in his academic and on the other hand, Finny is excellent in sports. The state of being a pacifist also lies in Finny's nature. Although Gene's character isn't that bad, it is Fin ny who   is well-adored by their teachers and schoolmates. He doesn't have enemies and a lot of people look up to him and want to be in his shoes for his extraordinary skills in sports. Gene is the type of man who runs rebellious things inside his head. When they both go to the beach, Finny told Gene that they're now â€Å"best pals† but Gene doesn't respond for a darkness in his heart is already accummulating.He is doubtful of Finny's â€Å"pure† character. He believes that Finny is just showing his sincere side because he is deeply jealous with him and his achievements and that he wants to sabotage him. Since Finny is not doing well academically, Gene doubts that Finny wants to destroy him academically by diverting his attention. With this in mind, Gene decides to get even with Finny. Gene even mentions that â€Å"[Finny] could get away with anything. I couldn't help envying him that a little, which was perfectly normal. There was no harm in envying even your best friend a little.† (Knowles 18).But what Gene thought isn't harmful turns out to be a very critical situation. Gene's grudge towards Finny is unbearable that's why while jumping on a tree during a summer day, he intentionally shook the tree which causes Finny to lose his balance and fall drastically.Although Finny already has a doubt that Gene intentionally did it, he never seriously thinks about it for he believes that his best friend cannot do it. Finny's leg become broken which disabled to him to play sports again. He somehow loses his self-confidence knowing the fact that he cannot engage himself with the one thing he's passionate with which is sports.He returns to Devon in crutches and in a pitiful state, but he never bears a grudge in his heart. Both he and Gene develops their bond more stronger. They willingly share each other's skills. Gene tutors Finny in his academic subjects while Finny teaches Gene about the foundations, tactics and techniques of sports.For a while , they forget about the war in which they are pressured to enlist to. Time comes wherein Gene is put in a mock trial for someone suspects that he's the cause of Finny's injury. Finny then realizes that his best friend actually knocked him off the tree. Fifteen years later, Finny knocked himself again off a marble staircase which causes his recovering leg to become worse again.Gene's conscience undoubtedly bothers him so in the infirmary, he visits Finny and asks for forgiveness for the monstrous crime that he has committed. Finny unconditionally accepts his plea for forgiveness and assures him that nothing will change between them. Finny dies and although Gene is shocked about his death, he still continues to enlist in the Navy. Gene then realizes the misery that he created out of his dark and jealous heart and decides to change his view of the world.The central focus of the heartwarming novel is to depict that each individual in the world is longing for his own separate peace and w ill do anything to attain it. Each individual has his own way of achieving his separate peace. In Gene's case, he attained his separate peace by knocking off Finny in the tree.Gene fears that his bestfriend will sabotage and betray him that's why he chooses to get even with him. Although he doesn't have a concrete evidence that Finny is really set to destroy him, he still continues his plan and thus, satisfying himself with Finny's downfall. Looking at Finny's case, his separate peace is to detach himself from the war and so he uses his excellence in sports to get away from the enlistment. The characters of the novel both have fears that's why they create their own defense mechanisms to hide the truth that is driving their lives.During those times, the boys in Devon also act in conformity. They do things which they think would be acceptable with their friends. Instead of listening to what their hearts really want, they listen to what their friends must say about what is acceptable a nd what is not. Of all the schoolboys, Finny is the only one who enjoys his life using his own standards. His kind-hearted and genuine character sets him apart from his friends including Gene. Finny follows everything that his heart dictates and he always sees that the things that he's doing is a heartwarming reflection of his love for life.A Separate Peace is beautifully woven to show the evils that are lurking inside a human's heart. It depicts that a human has fears and insecurities which cause him to release his â€Å"dark† and â€Å"flawed† side. On the lighter side, it is truly humbling to know that not all humans are indeed evil for there exist some who's love and light for life overpower the evil and greed of human hearts.It's clearly demonstrated in Finny's tale who has always been loving and pure. He forgives his best friend and shows him that it's never too late to change and open up his heart to the world.   Finny's sincere character was proven when he sa id to Gene: â€Å"It was just some kind of blind impulse you had in the tree there . It wasn't anything you really felt against me, it wasn't some kind of hate you've felt all along. It wasn't anything personal.When Finny dies, Gene is left to realize how his conceit killed his best friend. It's a tough time for Gene but he later gives forgiveness to himself and   moves on with his life using a sadder yet wiser perspective. He even recalls his best friend in a heartbeaking way:   â€Å"During the time I was with him, Phineas created an atmosphere in which I continued now to live, a way of sizing up the world with erratic and entirely personal reservations, letting its rocklike facts sift through and be accepted only a little at a time, only as much as he could assimilate without a sense of chaos and loss.No one else I have ever met could do this†¦.When [others] began to feel that there was this overwhelmingly hostile thing in the world with them, then the simplicity and u nity of their characters broke and they were not the same again.† (Knowles 194)A Separate Peace not only chronicles a tale of two best friends but it also has a historical context that lies beneath its story. It is known that the novel was first published in England in 1959, but it doesn't actually mean that the time of the novel is 1959. The novel focuses on the early 1940s wherein United States had proclaimed its participation in World War II. Aside from the country's participation, World War II brought out enormoue valor and patriotism in each citizen's heart.Even though some of them are not actually engaged in combat, each citizen felt When A Separate Peace was first published in the United States in 1960, the Korean War had been over for approximately seven years. Also at that time, the country's participation in Vietnam War had not yet heightened to greater proportions. The United States made it compulsary for men to enroll in the military particularly the draft which is the U.S.'s role in Vietnam in the early 1960s.A small protest happened to diminish the compulsory participation but in the end, the young antiwar protesters were forced to respond by burning their draft notices.It was also in 1960s where the youngest president of United States, John F. Kennedy, was elected. At the age of forty-three, he had defeated Vice President Richard M. Nixon. During Kenndy's term, the population was hugely comprised of adolescents and by the time they have reached college, they greatly became a dominant part of American politics and culture. They have started to doubt and question the authority of their parents' generation. In line with their scrutiny, they have also started to search their own meaning of identity which was also reflected in the novel through Gene's search of his individuality.By the end of 1960s, A Separate Peace   already praised by a wide array of conservative critics. The novel was praised in various ways. Some critics find the book's a ntiwar sentiments very moving, accurate and timely while some deeply admire the book's moral lessons especially the part wherein it showed that a sin's redemption is still possible no matter how great a sin can be.A Separate Peace is not only hailed for its moving historical contexts, but also because itemulates several valuable themes such as war, rivalry, guilt and friendship. On a certain level, the novel emulates the war topic for it concentrates the huge impact World War II has created on the male adolescents.The novel focuses on the dificulty the young men are facing with their decisions about the war. Most of them are in the verge of deciding whether to enlist themselves in the war. Some of them are even preoccupied with the thoughts of their tentative acceptance on their desired military branch.The Word War II caused great implications on Gene's generations especially the fact that most of their young teachers are away to do war-related jobs. Thus, most of the teachers left to instruct them were men between the ages of fifty and seventy. Since a huge age discrepancy lies between them, the teachers cannot directly relate with the students' mind. The students' bond immediately intensified.It is also very evident that the existence of rivalry is very dominant in the novel. All the students in Devon do their best to fit in with the â€Å"society† their friends have created.   If not trying to fit in, some of them are doing implicit things to get even with their friends. It is well portrayed in Gene and Finny's frienship wherein Gene does his best to exceed Finny.Guilt is also a very domineering theme in the novel. In the end, Gene realizes that he's living in his self-contained world which is filled with hatred and disgust for others particulary his best friend Finny.Of the mentioned themes, friendship stands out most for it is the root of everything. It depicts that friendship doesn't just curtain all the good things, but underneath the relations hip lies hidden desires and envy.Gene's experience with Finny depicts to the readers that harbouring false motives towards other people can lead to disastrous things. He also shows that it is impossible for an individual to create complete peace in his heart until he confronts the evil in his heart and let the light shine through it.He realizes that  Ã‚   â€Å"wars were not made by generations and their special stupidities, but that wars were made instead by something ignorant in the human heart.†Ã‚   It's a compelling fact that Gene is able to acknowledge that the real enemy lies within himself. He admits that his false attitude is the cause of the corruption of his entire character .The novel ends with the portrayal that â€Å"separate peace† can only be achieved when an individual learns how to fight his personal evils. What's good in this tale is that it clearly demonstrates that no matter how impure a human's heart is, there's still a chance for him to change a nd put things in its right places.Works CitedBryant, Hallman Bell. A Separate Peace: The War Within. Twayne Publishers: Boston, 1990.Knowles, John. A Separate Peace. Bantam Books: New York, 1959.McDougal-Littell. â€Å"Author Spotlight: John Knowles.† Available online at: http://www.mcdougallittell.com/lit/guest/knowles/

Saturday, November 9, 2019

An Evaluation on Factors That Influence the Choice of a Mobile Telecommunications Service Provider

TITLE:AN EVALUATION ON FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE CHOICE OF A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDER TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary3 2. Background4 2. 1Purpose of study5 2. 2Significance of study5 2. 3Research Objectives5 2. 4Research Questions6 3. Methodology7 3. 1Method of Research7 3. 2Types of Research7 3. 3Population7 3. 4Sampling7 4. Sources of data collection8 4. 1Secondary Data8 4. 2Primary Data8 5. Data collection tools8 5. 1Questionnaire8 5. 2Validity and Reliability9 6. Data Analysis10 7. Recommendations15 8. Limitations and Delimitations of the study16 9. Conclusion17 0. References18 11. Appendices19 1. 0Executive Summary The Zimbabwean telecommunication sector has grown rapidly over the past years. This exponential market growth attracted new players to this sector, which in turn resulted in increased competition. The aim of this study was to establish critical factors in the selection of mobile telecommunications service providers. A research instrument was e mployed to collect data from consumers of the three mobile phone operators in Zimbabwe. Convenience sampling, a form of non-probability sampling was used to collect data from 40 participants.This research used descriptive statistics for data analysis and discussions. The results of the study revealed that customers’ selection of which mobile telecommunications service providers to use is influenced by overall service quality, free calls and free SMSs, network capability, reliability of service, network innovativeness, low rate charges, accessibility, promotions with discount, geographic network coverage, family and friends, and customer care. In addition to this, the study found that customers prefer subscribing to the same service provider as their family members and friends.However, visually appealing physical facilities and high profile customers, were found to be the least influential factors in selecting mobile telecommunication service provider. Marketing mix elements a re relevant towards evaluating factors that determine the selection of mobile service provider in Zimbabwe. However, this study incorporated and investigated further by including factors influencing consumer buying behaviour, which makes it more comprehensive for application in telecommunication services.Thus, the focus on consumer behaviour was helpful in situating and understanding customers' buying behaviour in mobile telecommunication services. The study recommended specific marketing strategies to enhance the success of mobile service providers in this competitive market and ensure quality service delivery to satisfy customers. This study had limitations in its research design, strategy and sampling method; hence, areas for future studies addressing these shortcomings have been identified and recommended. 2. 0Background and objectivesThe mobile telecommunication industry has grown over the past few decades and has seen the industry undergoing intense competition to attract and retain customers. The mobile industry has become an important factor in global interactions as computer-based technologies and communication networks are being implemented daily. In the last twenty years, the mobile revolution has truly changed the socio-economic landscape of Zimbabwe and has seen the industry grow rapidly, that is keeping pace with global advancements in the mobile telecommunication market.The year 1997 marked a new era in the Zimbabwe telecommunication sector as it marked the beginning of deregulation of the telecommunications sector, which was previously a monopoly. The Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (PTC) which was wholly owned by the Government; did not have any competition and thus it flourished as the sole fixed line provider. According to Melody (1999) technological change and new service opportunities are factors bearing on the telecom reform process everywhere. In 1996, technological advancement saw the birth of NetOne, the first cellular network operator in Zimbabwe, a subsidiary under the PTC.However, in 1998 things started to change dramatically when the first major new player, Econet Wireless entered the telecommunications market. The deregulation of the telecommunications sector opened the market from a monopolistic market to a competitive multiple service providers. Currently, there are three mobile service providers in Zimbabwe, which are Econet Wireless, Telecel and NetOne, and the competitive pressure is high. The three MSPs compete with each other to grab customers by proving a wide range of both basic services and value added services.The customers enjoy the option of choices among the service operators and thus the competitive environment causes brand consciousness among the subscribers and potential buyers (Melody, 2003). In order to survive the competitive environment, the service providers must ensure network quality, customer acquisition and retention. Table 1 shows the detail of the mobile subscribers in Zi mbabwe, that depicts the market share of the MSPs. 2. 1Purpose of study The purpose of the study was to evaluate factors that determine the selection of mobile service providers.Also to evaluate and understand the consumers buying behaviour in selecting service providers and to help service providers to design more appealing marketing programs which deliver better customer value and thus providing the required returns. 2. 2Significance of study The robust competition between the three mobile network operators in Zimbabwe has intensified. Therefore, identifying and understanding the factors which considerably influence the customer buying behaviour is of greatest importance to the marketers.Thus, the key success factors in mobile telecommunication battles are effectiveness of marketing strategies and understanding of consumer behaviour. The determinant factors for customers choice of the MSP in Zimbabwe is not clear as there is insufficient documentation on the issue. Therefore, ther e is a need to empirically evaluate and analyze the phenomenon for managerial implications. The outcome of the study would provide insights to service providers to take profound actions towards enriching customers’ service experience.Moreover, the study also builds on existing consumer behaviour literature by exploring the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour that ultimately influence the selection of mobile service providers. In addition, the findings of the study will also assist telecommunication companies to invest their resources more efficiently, or to make changes to crucial quality attributes that bring out consumers’ satisfaction levels. 2. 3Research Objectives The overall objective is to ascertain the logic behind customers’ selection of a particular mobile service operator.Sub-objectives †¢To determine the social factors which lead the customer towards selecting a particular mobile service provider. †¢To determine the service qualit y dimensions influencing the customers’ selection of a particular mobile service provider. †¢To establish the influence of marketing mix elements on purchasing behaviour of mobile service operators. 2. 4Research Questions †¢Which social factors influence the selection of a mobile service provider? †¢Which service quality dimensions influence the customers’ selection of a particular mobile service provider? Which marketing mix elements have an influence in purchasing behaviour of mobile service operators? Keywords: Consumer behaviour , Service quality, Price, Promotion, Service availability/place 3. 0METHODOLOGY 3. 1Method of Research This is a quantitative study which mainly will depend on numeric data to classify features and count them. According to Burns & Grove 2005:23, quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information. This research method is used to examine relationships among va riables and to determine the cause-and-effect interactions between variables.This study is concerned with the assessment of factors that influence consumer buying behaviour. 3. 2Types of Research A descriptive research was used for the study to describe factors that influence the customers buying behaviour as well as describing the marketing mix elements that play a role in determining the customers’ selection for mobile service provider. Polit and Hungler 1999 state that the descriptive research mainly describes what exists and may help to uncover new facts and meaning.The purpose of descriptive research is to observe, describe and document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs. They further state that the descriptive research involves the collection of data that will provide an account or description of individuals, groups or situations. The research instruments that were used for this study were questionnaires with closed questions. 3. 3Population Population select ed for this study were all Bulawayo residents who are customers of any of the three mobile service providers available in Zimbabwe which is unknown. 3. Sampling Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2003) state that it is not easy to assess the entire population, therefore, it is necessary to assess a sample of the population as an alternative in order to generalize about the entire population. The researcher will target the Bulawayo residents who visit the National University of Science and Technology Campus along Gwanda Road and Cecil Avenue. The sample size used for the research was 100 respondents and a non-probability sampling technique was used. The convenience sampling method was used to select the targeted sample.According to convenience sapling is a statistical method of drawing representative data by selecting people because of the ease of their volunteering or selecting units because of their availability or easy access. The researcher used this method to get easy access to info rmation from walk in customers at the Main Administration Building (NUST Campus). Time and cost constraints also justified the convenience sampling technique. 3. 5Sources of data collection 3. 5. 1Secondary data Secondary data is the data which is collected for some other purposes or the data which is gathered by previous researchers.The research was involved in a desk research were information about the background of the telecommunications industry was acquired. The researcher also used articles, books and the internet to gather more information about the factors that influence the purchasing behaviour of mobile service provider. The data acquired aided the researcher in the analysis of data as a toll for deriving in reliable and relevant conclusions. 3. 5. 2Primary data In this research primary data was obtained by collecting data from uestionnaires which were administered at the Main Administration Building at the NUST Campus to the target sample size. The researcher issued the r espondents the questionnaire and gave the at most fifteen minutes to fill in the questionnaire. 3. 6Data collection tools There are many tools available for gathering empirical data but it depends upon research question and purpose of study that which tool is used for study. For this study, the researcher used the questionnaire because it is less time consuming, and provides good quality data easily. 3. 6. 1QuestionnaireThe questionnaire is the medium of communication between researcher and respondent. The researcher used close ended questions because of the quantitative nature of the study. The researcher chose the questionnaire because it is considered to be inexpensive, less time consuming and provide good quality data easily (Babbie, 2010). The questionnaire was drafted with the aim of answering the research question and research objectives. The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended questions as they were quicker and easier to answer and readily accessible to coding and quanti tative analysis.The questionnaires consisted of five categories and items on different constructs are organised in each category namely; service quality, price, promotions, availability and social factors. The questionnaires were personally handed to the respondents as they were entering the Main Administration Building. 3. 7Validity and Reliability Gravetter and Forzano (2009) state that the validity of a research study is the degree to which the study accurately answers the question it was intended to answer.According to Babbie (2010), the reliability of a research instrument is the degree of consistency with which the instrument measures the attributes it is supposed to be measuring. Validity and reliability were not measured for this report. 4. DATA ANALYSIS A five-point Likert scale was used to measure the output of each item answered by the respondents. The outputs, frequency tables were generated using the SPSS package and from these the data was presented in bar graphs. More over, the number of respondents who selected each of the response options is reported as percentages of the total number of responses.The total number of questionnaires issued was 40 but there were three spoilt questionnaires, so for the data analysis 37 questionnaires were analysed. Service Providers The findings in Fig 1 reveal that a total of 57% of the respondents were Econet Wireless subscribers, whilst 23% were NetOne and 20% being Telecel subscribers. The findings illustrate that most of the respondents were Econet Wireless subscribers. Frequency Responses from Social Factors Fig 2: Frequencies for Social FactorsThe findings in Figure 2 reveal that a total of 7% of the respondents disagreed, 36% were unsure and 57% agreed that it is important to subscribe to the same service provider with family members and friends. Additionally, 30% of the respondents disagreed, 10% were unsure while 60% agreed to value friends, colleagues and family members’ opinions before buying an y product from the service provider. On the other hand, 95% of the participants disagreed, 1% were unsure and 4% agreed that high profile customers of a particular service provider influence them to choose a mobile service provider.Frequency Responses for Service Quality Dimensions Fig. 3: Frequencies for Service Quality Dimensions Figure 3 reveal that 8% of the participants disagreed, 10% were unsure, 82% agreed that reliability of service influence their choice of the mobile service provider. Moreover, the figure show that 2% of the respondents disagreed, 0% were unsure and 98% agreed that network capabilities of a service provider influence their subscription to a mobile service operator.It is evident that customer’s choice of mobile service provider is significantly influenced by network coverage. It also reflects that 5% of the respondents disagreed, 7% were unsure and 88% agreed that network innovativeness is an important factor that they consider when subscribing to a mobile service provider. Likewise, the results reveal that 18% of the respondents disagreed, 3% were unsure, and 79% agreed that customer care at the service provider outlets influence them to choose a mobile service provider.Frequency Responses for Price Fig 4: Frequencies for Price Findings in Figure 4 illustrate that 15% of the participants disagreed, 2% were unsure, 83% agreed that low rate charges influence them to subscribe to a mobile service provider. Frequency responses to Promotional Mix Fig 5: Frequencies to promotional mix The findings in Figure 5 reveal that the results shows that 63% of the respondents disagreed, 3% were unsure, and 34% agreed that advertisement influences them to subscribe to a mobile service provider.These finding revealed that, the majority of the customers indicated that advertisement does not influence their choice of mobile service provider, thus advertisement was insignificant. Additionally, the findings shows that 17% of the respondents disagre ed, 11% were unsure and 72% agreed that offers such as SIM card offered with initial balance influences their selection of a service provider. Similarly, Figure 5 reveal that 13% of the participants disagreed, 2% were unsure and 85% agreed that free calls and free SMS encourage them to subscribe to a mobile service provider.The findings show that free calls and free SMS significantly determine customers’ choice of mobile network. Frequency Responses from Service Availability Aspects Fig 6: Frequencies from Service Availability Aspects The data in Figure 6 reveals that 37% of the respondent’s disagreed, 30% were unsure, 32% agreed to value visually appealing physical facilities than customer care. Likewise, it illustrates that 11% of the participants disagreed, 10% were unsure and 79% agreed that accessibility of services influence their preference for mobile service provider.That means ease access to telecommunication services influence consumers’ choice. On the other hand, the findings reveal that 51% of the respondents disagreed, 24% were unsure, 25% agreed that international roaming plays an important role when choosing a mobile network. 5. 0RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of this research, the mobile service providers are recommended to: †¢Provide service quality through network quality, network extension and upgrade. †¢Offer quality service at lower rates. †¢Provide more offers for family and friends. †¢Enrich customer’s service experience and loyalty.Value the importance of day-to-day interactions, such as response quality in call centers, skills of staffs in retail outlets, speed of technical repair and other measures. †¢Pay attention to staff skill possession, knowledge, attention to customers and their needs, offering of fast and efficient services and general attitude to customer services. †¢Consistently monitor what customers want and what they get through the feedbacks, then identify t he gap in between through research and bridge the gap through continuous innovation. 6. 0LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYA discussion of the study limitations demonstrates that the researcher understands that no research project is perfectly designed; consequently, the researcher will make no overweening claims about generalizability or conclusiveness about what has been learned (Marshall and Rossman, 2011). This study was limited to evaluate the factors that determine the selection of mobile service provider. In fact, considering resources and time constraints, the research was limited to one town in Zimbabwe. Therefore, it cannot be representative of the whole of Zimbabwe population’s behaviour. Some of the limitations originated from the tool that was used.The use of the closed ended questionnaire meant that it was not possible to ask follow-up questions and thus finding out the reasons for selecting a particular service provider over the other. The other concern is that this study was measuring factors affecting consumers’ perception in the telecommunication sectors were measured, but there is a lack of related literature. The delimitations of a study are those characteristics that limit the scope of the inquiry and define boundaries for the study (Ledez, 2008). Furthermore, the delimitations of this study were also related to the use of a singular research design as opposed to triangulation.The research instrument and the number of test items were also limited. 7. 0CONCLUSION This study aimed to evaluate the factors that determine the selection of mobile service providers in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s mobile telecommunication market has grown over the past decade and it is highly competitive. In any competitive environment, firms are likely to compete in order to attract and retain customers. However, it is extremely important that a company recognizes the needs, wants, tastes, criteria and the perceptions of its customers.The stu dy employed data representing factors that influence customers’ selection of mobile network to identify and meet customers’ needs and wants as well as to establish the perceived and preferred service quality, activities that would entice customers, the prices that customers are willing and able to pay, and the possible best ways of utilizing available resources to supply the needed/desired services. The Zimbabwean mobile networks must maintain a combination of all these variables in order to succeed in a competitive telecommunication market as well as to enjoy the uch-needed profit to invest in network infrastructure, innovations and human resources. Providing superior service quality, particularly, in the dimensions of network quality and performance, reliability, responsiveness, and convenience, is of utmost importance that requires mobile service provider managerial attention in order to attract and retain customers. The study suggested that regulators in the Zimbab we’s telecommunication sector should take appropriate measures to include these dimensions in undertaking objective assessment of quality of service of mobile telephone operators in safeguarding customers’ interest.In this study, the focus on marketing mix elements and consumer behaviour was helpful in situating and understanding customers' preferences and buying behaviour in mobile telecommunication services. Besides, it is evident that customers’ choice is largely influenced by marketing mix elements. The current study established that customers look at the call rates; promotional mix offers such as free calls/minutes and free SMSs, and promotions with discount and free sample play a vital role in customers’ choice of mobile service provider . REFERENCES 1. Babbie, E. R. (2010), The Practice of Social Research. 2th edition. USA: Wadsworth. 2. Burns and Grove aker, M. J. (2003), The Marketing Book. 5th edition. USA: Butterworth-Heinemann. 3. Gravetter, F . J. and Forzano, L. B. (2009). Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences. 3rd edition. USA:Wadsworth. 4. Hanif, M. , Hafeez, S. , and Riaz, A. (2010). Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics [online], 60 (2010), p. 44-52. Available from: http://www. eurojournals. com/irjfe_60_04. pdf [Accessed 22 February 2013]. 5. Kapoor, R. , Paul, J. and Halder, B. (2011). Services marketing: Concepts and Practices.New Delhi: McGraw-Hill. 6. Marshall, C. and Rossman, G. (2011). Designing Qualitative Research. 5th edition. California: Sage Publications, Inc. 7. Melody, W. H. (1999). Telecom Reform: Progress and Prospects. Telecommunications Policy, 23 (1999), p. 7 – 34. 8. Melody, W. H. , (2003). Preparing the Information Infrastructure for the Network Economy. World Telecommunications Markets: International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, Vol. III, p. 1-27. 9. Paulrajan, R. and Rajkumar, H. (2011). Service Quality and Customers Preference of Cellular Mobile Service Providers.Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 6(1), p. 38-45. 10. Thornhill, N. (2003). Your research Project. 2nd edition. London: Sage. 11. Wilson, R. M. S. and Gilligan, C. (2005). Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control, 3rd edition. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Appendix 1 Table 1: Subscriber base in Zimbabwe Service ProviderNumber of Subscribers Econet Wireless10. 2 million NetOne2. 6 million Telecel1. 8 million Appendix 2 A QUESTIONNAIRE ON EVALUATION OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE CHOICE OF A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDER Good day, my name is Thembelihle Moyo.I am a student at the National University of Science and Technology doing Master of Science Degree in Marketing. I am carrying out a evaluation on factors that influence the selection of a particular mobile service provider. The information solicited herein is purely for academic purposes and will be treated in the stric test confidence. 1. Which service provider’s connection do you have? Econet Telecel NetOne 2. Social Factors Using a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being â€Å"strongly agree† and 1 being â€Å"strongly disagree†. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree Family and friends should be the sole reason of choosing a mobile network I value the opinions of my friends when making purchasing decisions High profile customers inspire me in making purchase decisions 3. Service Quality Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree The mobile service provider I use is reliable The mobile service provider has a wide network coverage The mobile service provider has high quality in network innovativeness The have high standards of customer care 4. Price Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly AgreeThe low rate charges attract customers to this service provider 5. Promotion al Mix Elements Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree The advertisements of this mobile service provider attracted me to be their subscriber The sim card with initial balance attracted me to this mobile service provider The free calls and free sms attracted me to be a subscriber 6. Service Availability Aspects Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree The offices are visually appealing The service is easily accessible International roaming is one aspect that is essential in a mobile line THANK YOU An Evaluation on Factors That Influence the Choice of a Mobile Telecommunications Service Provider TITLE:AN EVALUATION ON FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE CHOICE OF A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDER TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary3 2. Background4 2. 1Purpose of study5 2. 2Significance of study5 2. 3Research Objectives5 2. 4Research Questions6 3. Methodology7 3. 1Method of Research7 3. 2Types of Research7 3. 3Population7 3. 4Sampling7 4. Sources of data collection8 4. 1Secondary Data8 4. 2Primary Data8 5. Data collection tools8 5. 1Questionnaire8 5. 2Validity and Reliability9 6. Data Analysis10 7. Recommendations15 8. Limitations and Delimitations of the study16 9. Conclusion17 0. References18 11. Appendices19 1. 0Executive Summary The Zimbabwean telecommunication sector has grown rapidly over the past years. This exponential market growth attracted new players to this sector, which in turn resulted in increased competition. The aim of this study was to establish critical factors in the selection of mobile telecommunications service providers. A research instrument was e mployed to collect data from consumers of the three mobile phone operators in Zimbabwe. Convenience sampling, a form of non-probability sampling was used to collect data from 40 participants.This research used descriptive statistics for data analysis and discussions. The results of the study revealed that customers’ selection of which mobile telecommunications service providers to use is influenced by overall service quality, free calls and free SMSs, network capability, reliability of service, network innovativeness, low rate charges, accessibility, promotions with discount, geographic network coverage, family and friends, and customer care. In addition to this, the study found that customers prefer subscribing to the same service provider as their family members and friends.However, visually appealing physical facilities and high profile customers, were found to be the least influential factors in selecting mobile telecommunication service provider. Marketing mix elements a re relevant towards evaluating factors that determine the selection of mobile service provider in Zimbabwe. However, this study incorporated and investigated further by including factors influencing consumer buying behaviour, which makes it more comprehensive for application in telecommunication services.Thus, the focus on consumer behaviour was helpful in situating and understanding customers' buying behaviour in mobile telecommunication services. The study recommended specific marketing strategies to enhance the success of mobile service providers in this competitive market and ensure quality service delivery to satisfy customers. This study had limitations in its research design, strategy and sampling method; hence, areas for future studies addressing these shortcomings have been identified and recommended. 2. 0Background and objectivesThe mobile telecommunication industry has grown over the past few decades and has seen the industry undergoing intense competition to attract and retain customers. The mobile industry has become an important factor in global interactions as computer-based technologies and communication networks are being implemented daily. In the last twenty years, the mobile revolution has truly changed the socio-economic landscape of Zimbabwe and has seen the industry grow rapidly, that is keeping pace with global advancements in the mobile telecommunication market.The year 1997 marked a new era in the Zimbabwe telecommunication sector as it marked the beginning of deregulation of the telecommunications sector, which was previously a monopoly. The Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (PTC) which was wholly owned by the Government; did not have any competition and thus it flourished as the sole fixed line provider. According to Melody (1999) technological change and new service opportunities are factors bearing on the telecom reform process everywhere. In 1996, technological advancement saw the birth of NetOne, the first cellular network operator in Zimbabwe, a subsidiary under the PTC.However, in 1998 things started to change dramatically when the first major new player, Econet Wireless entered the telecommunications market. The deregulation of the telecommunications sector opened the market from a monopolistic market to a competitive multiple service providers. Currently, there are three mobile service providers in Zimbabwe, which are Econet Wireless, Telecel and NetOne, and the competitive pressure is high. The three MSPs compete with each other to grab customers by proving a wide range of both basic services and value added services.The customers enjoy the option of choices among the service operators and thus the competitive environment causes brand consciousness among the subscribers and potential buyers (Melody, 2003). In order to survive the competitive environment, the service providers must ensure network quality, customer acquisition and retention. Table 1 shows the detail of the mobile subscribers in Zi mbabwe, that depicts the market share of the MSPs. 2. 1Purpose of study The purpose of the study was to evaluate factors that determine the selection of mobile service providers.Also to evaluate and understand the consumers buying behaviour in selecting service providers and to help service providers to design more appealing marketing programs which deliver better customer value and thus providing the required returns. 2. 2Significance of study The robust competition between the three mobile network operators in Zimbabwe has intensified. Therefore, identifying and understanding the factors which considerably influence the customer buying behaviour is of greatest importance to the marketers.Thus, the key success factors in mobile telecommunication battles are effectiveness of marketing strategies and understanding of consumer behaviour. The determinant factors for customers choice of the MSP in Zimbabwe is not clear as there is insufficient documentation on the issue. Therefore, ther e is a need to empirically evaluate and analyze the phenomenon for managerial implications. The outcome of the study would provide insights to service providers to take profound actions towards enriching customers’ service experience.Moreover, the study also builds on existing consumer behaviour literature by exploring the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour that ultimately influence the selection of mobile service providers. In addition, the findings of the study will also assist telecommunication companies to invest their resources more efficiently, or to make changes to crucial quality attributes that bring out consumers’ satisfaction levels. 2. 3Research Objectives The overall objective is to ascertain the logic behind customers’ selection of a particular mobile service operator.Sub-objectives †¢To determine the social factors which lead the customer towards selecting a particular mobile service provider. †¢To determine the service qualit y dimensions influencing the customers’ selection of a particular mobile service provider. †¢To establish the influence of marketing mix elements on purchasing behaviour of mobile service operators. 2. 4Research Questions †¢Which social factors influence the selection of a mobile service provider? †¢Which service quality dimensions influence the customers’ selection of a particular mobile service provider? Which marketing mix elements have an influence in purchasing behaviour of mobile service operators? Keywords: Consumer behaviour , Service quality, Price, Promotion, Service availability/place 3. 0METHODOLOGY 3. 1Method of Research This is a quantitative study which mainly will depend on numeric data to classify features and count them. According to Burns & Grove 2005:23, quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information. This research method is used to examine relationships among va riables and to determine the cause-and-effect interactions between variables.This study is concerned with the assessment of factors that influence consumer buying behaviour. 3. 2Types of Research A descriptive research was used for the study to describe factors that influence the customers buying behaviour as well as describing the marketing mix elements that play a role in determining the customers’ selection for mobile service provider. Polit and Hungler 1999 state that the descriptive research mainly describes what exists and may help to uncover new facts and meaning.The purpose of descriptive research is to observe, describe and document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs. They further state that the descriptive research involves the collection of data that will provide an account or description of individuals, groups or situations. The research instruments that were used for this study were questionnaires with closed questions. 3. 3Population Population select ed for this study were all Bulawayo residents who are customers of any of the three mobile service providers available in Zimbabwe which is unknown. 3. Sampling Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2003) state that it is not easy to assess the entire population, therefore, it is necessary to assess a sample of the population as an alternative in order to generalize about the entire population. The researcher will target the Bulawayo residents who visit the National University of Science and Technology Campus along Gwanda Road and Cecil Avenue. The sample size used for the research was 100 respondents and a non-probability sampling technique was used. The convenience sampling method was used to select the targeted sample.According to convenience sapling is a statistical method of drawing representative data by selecting people because of the ease of their volunteering or selecting units because of their availability or easy access. The researcher used this method to get easy access to info rmation from walk in customers at the Main Administration Building (NUST Campus). Time and cost constraints also justified the convenience sampling technique. 3. 5Sources of data collection 3. 5. 1Secondary data Secondary data is the data which is collected for some other purposes or the data which is gathered by previous researchers.The research was involved in a desk research were information about the background of the telecommunications industry was acquired. The researcher also used articles, books and the internet to gather more information about the factors that influence the purchasing behaviour of mobile service provider. The data acquired aided the researcher in the analysis of data as a toll for deriving in reliable and relevant conclusions. 3. 5. 2Primary data In this research primary data was obtained by collecting data from uestionnaires which were administered at the Main Administration Building at the NUST Campus to the target sample size. The researcher issued the r espondents the questionnaire and gave the at most fifteen minutes to fill in the questionnaire. 3. 6Data collection tools There are many tools available for gathering empirical data but it depends upon research question and purpose of study that which tool is used for study. For this study, the researcher used the questionnaire because it is less time consuming, and provides good quality data easily. 3. 6. 1QuestionnaireThe questionnaire is the medium of communication between researcher and respondent. The researcher used close ended questions because of the quantitative nature of the study. The researcher chose the questionnaire because it is considered to be inexpensive, less time consuming and provide good quality data easily (Babbie, 2010). The questionnaire was drafted with the aim of answering the research question and research objectives. The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended questions as they were quicker and easier to answer and readily accessible to coding and quanti tative analysis.The questionnaires consisted of five categories and items on different constructs are organised in each category namely; service quality, price, promotions, availability and social factors. The questionnaires were personally handed to the respondents as they were entering the Main Administration Building. 3. 7Validity and Reliability Gravetter and Forzano (2009) state that the validity of a research study is the degree to which the study accurately answers the question it was intended to answer.According to Babbie (2010), the reliability of a research instrument is the degree of consistency with which the instrument measures the attributes it is supposed to be measuring. Validity and reliability were not measured for this report. 4. DATA ANALYSIS A five-point Likert scale was used to measure the output of each item answered by the respondents. The outputs, frequency tables were generated using the SPSS package and from these the data was presented in bar graphs. More over, the number of respondents who selected each of the response options is reported as percentages of the total number of responses.The total number of questionnaires issued was 40 but there were three spoilt questionnaires, so for the data analysis 37 questionnaires were analysed. Service Providers The findings in Fig 1 reveal that a total of 57% of the respondents were Econet Wireless subscribers, whilst 23% were NetOne and 20% being Telecel subscribers. The findings illustrate that most of the respondents were Econet Wireless subscribers. Frequency Responses from Social Factors Fig 2: Frequencies for Social FactorsThe findings in Figure 2 reveal that a total of 7% of the respondents disagreed, 36% were unsure and 57% agreed that it is important to subscribe to the same service provider with family members and friends. Additionally, 30% of the respondents disagreed, 10% were unsure while 60% agreed to value friends, colleagues and family members’ opinions before buying an y product from the service provider. On the other hand, 95% of the participants disagreed, 1% were unsure and 4% agreed that high profile customers of a particular service provider influence them to choose a mobile service provider.Frequency Responses for Service Quality Dimensions Fig. 3: Frequencies for Service Quality Dimensions Figure 3 reveal that 8% of the participants disagreed, 10% were unsure, 82% agreed that reliability of service influence their choice of the mobile service provider. Moreover, the figure show that 2% of the respondents disagreed, 0% were unsure and 98% agreed that network capabilities of a service provider influence their subscription to a mobile service operator.It is evident that customer’s choice of mobile service provider is significantly influenced by network coverage. It also reflects that 5% of the respondents disagreed, 7% were unsure and 88% agreed that network innovativeness is an important factor that they consider when subscribing to a mobile service provider. Likewise, the results reveal that 18% of the respondents disagreed, 3% were unsure, and 79% agreed that customer care at the service provider outlets influence them to choose a mobile service provider.Frequency Responses for Price Fig 4: Frequencies for Price Findings in Figure 4 illustrate that 15% of the participants disagreed, 2% were unsure, 83% agreed that low rate charges influence them to subscribe to a mobile service provider. Frequency responses to Promotional Mix Fig 5: Frequencies to promotional mix The findings in Figure 5 reveal that the results shows that 63% of the respondents disagreed, 3% were unsure, and 34% agreed that advertisement influences them to subscribe to a mobile service provider.These finding revealed that, the majority of the customers indicated that advertisement does not influence their choice of mobile service provider, thus advertisement was insignificant. Additionally, the findings shows that 17% of the respondents disagre ed, 11% were unsure and 72% agreed that offers such as SIM card offered with initial balance influences their selection of a service provider. Similarly, Figure 5 reveal that 13% of the participants disagreed, 2% were unsure and 85% agreed that free calls and free SMS encourage them to subscribe to a mobile service provider.The findings show that free calls and free SMS significantly determine customers’ choice of mobile network. Frequency Responses from Service Availability Aspects Fig 6: Frequencies from Service Availability Aspects The data in Figure 6 reveals that 37% of the respondent’s disagreed, 30% were unsure, 32% agreed to value visually appealing physical facilities than customer care. Likewise, it illustrates that 11% of the participants disagreed, 10% were unsure and 79% agreed that accessibility of services influence their preference for mobile service provider.That means ease access to telecommunication services influence consumers’ choice. On the other hand, the findings reveal that 51% of the respondents disagreed, 24% were unsure, 25% agreed that international roaming plays an important role when choosing a mobile network. 5. 0RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of this research, the mobile service providers are recommended to: †¢Provide service quality through network quality, network extension and upgrade. †¢Offer quality service at lower rates. †¢Provide more offers for family and friends. †¢Enrich customer’s service experience and loyalty.Value the importance of day-to-day interactions, such as response quality in call centers, skills of staffs in retail outlets, speed of technical repair and other measures. †¢Pay attention to staff skill possession, knowledge, attention to customers and their needs, offering of fast and efficient services and general attitude to customer services. †¢Consistently monitor what customers want and what they get through the feedbacks, then identify t he gap in between through research and bridge the gap through continuous innovation. 6. 0LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYA discussion of the study limitations demonstrates that the researcher understands that no research project is perfectly designed; consequently, the researcher will make no overweening claims about generalizability or conclusiveness about what has been learned (Marshall and Rossman, 2011). This study was limited to evaluate the factors that determine the selection of mobile service provider. In fact, considering resources and time constraints, the research was limited to one town in Zimbabwe. Therefore, it cannot be representative of the whole of Zimbabwe population’s behaviour. Some of the limitations originated from the tool that was used.The use of the closed ended questionnaire meant that it was not possible to ask follow-up questions and thus finding out the reasons for selecting a particular service provider over the other. The other concern is that this study was measuring factors affecting consumers’ perception in the telecommunication sectors were measured, but there is a lack of related literature. The delimitations of a study are those characteristics that limit the scope of the inquiry and define boundaries for the study (Ledez, 2008). Furthermore, the delimitations of this study were also related to the use of a singular research design as opposed to triangulation.The research instrument and the number of test items were also limited. 7. 0CONCLUSION This study aimed to evaluate the factors that determine the selection of mobile service providers in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s mobile telecommunication market has grown over the past decade and it is highly competitive. In any competitive environment, firms are likely to compete in order to attract and retain customers. However, it is extremely important that a company recognizes the needs, wants, tastes, criteria and the perceptions of its customers.The stu dy employed data representing factors that influence customers’ selection of mobile network to identify and meet customers’ needs and wants as well as to establish the perceived and preferred service quality, activities that would entice customers, the prices that customers are willing and able to pay, and the possible best ways of utilizing available resources to supply the needed/desired services. The Zimbabwean mobile networks must maintain a combination of all these variables in order to succeed in a competitive telecommunication market as well as to enjoy the uch-needed profit to invest in network infrastructure, innovations and human resources. Providing superior service quality, particularly, in the dimensions of network quality and performance, reliability, responsiveness, and convenience, is of utmost importance that requires mobile service provider managerial attention in order to attract and retain customers. The study suggested that regulators in the Zimbab we’s telecommunication sector should take appropriate measures to include these dimensions in undertaking objective assessment of quality of service of mobile telephone operators in safeguarding customers’ interest.In this study, the focus on marketing mix elements and consumer behaviour was helpful in situating and understanding customers' preferences and buying behaviour in mobile telecommunication services. Besides, it is evident that customers’ choice is largely influenced by marketing mix elements. The current study established that customers look at the call rates; promotional mix offers such as free calls/minutes and free SMSs, and promotions with discount and free sample play a vital role in customers’ choice of mobile service provider . REFERENCES 1. Babbie, E. R. (2010), The Practice of Social Research. 2th edition. USA: Wadsworth. 2. Burns and Grove aker, M. J. (2003), The Marketing Book. 5th edition. USA: Butterworth-Heinemann. 3. Gravetter, F . J. and Forzano, L. B. (2009). Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences. 3rd edition. USA:Wadsworth. 4. Hanif, M. , Hafeez, S. , and Riaz, A. (2010). Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics [online], 60 (2010), p. 44-52. Available from: http://www. eurojournals. com/irjfe_60_04. pdf [Accessed 22 February 2013]. 5. Kapoor, R. , Paul, J. and Halder, B. (2011). Services marketing: Concepts and Practices.New Delhi: McGraw-Hill. 6. Marshall, C. and Rossman, G. (2011). 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Appendix 1 Table 1: Subscriber base in Zimbabwe Service ProviderNumber of Subscribers Econet Wireless10. 2 million NetOne2. 6 million Telecel1. 8 million Appendix 2 A QUESTIONNAIRE ON EVALUATION OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE CHOICE OF A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDER Good day, my name is Thembelihle Moyo.I am a student at the National University of Science and Technology doing Master of Science Degree in Marketing. I am carrying out a evaluation on factors that influence the selection of a particular mobile service provider. The information solicited herein is purely for academic purposes and will be treated in the stric test confidence. 1. Which service provider’s connection do you have? Econet Telecel NetOne 2. Social Factors Using a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being â€Å"strongly agree† and 1 being â€Å"strongly disagree†. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree Family and friends should be the sole reason of choosing a mobile network I value the opinions of my friends when making purchasing decisions High profile customers inspire me in making purchase decisions 3. Service Quality Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree The mobile service provider I use is reliable The mobile service provider has a wide network coverage The mobile service provider has high quality in network innovativeness The have high standards of customer care 4. Price Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly AgreeThe low rate charges attract customers to this service provider 5. Promotion al Mix Elements Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree The advertisements of this mobile service provider attracted me to be their subscriber The sim card with initial balance attracted me to this mobile service provider The free calls and free sms attracted me to be a subscriber 6. Service Availability Aspects Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree The offices are visually appealing The service is easily accessible International roaming is one aspect that is essential in a mobile line THANK YOU

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Action-Centred Leadership Essays

Action-Centred Leadership Essays Action-Centred Leadership Essay Action-Centred Leadership Essay This is a complete contrast to the above theory where leadership is thought to be natural and inherent. Here, the theory shows that people with leadership potential can be exposed to the correct experiences and influences to develop leadership skills. This theory can improve the organisations performance gradually, as the leaders grow in strength, so will the workforces respect and trust in them. (Mullins, 2002. ) The final theory I am going to discuss with regard to leadership is one associated with the work of John Adair (1979). It is the Action-Centred Leadership theory. It suggests effective leadership is based on the ability to match and meet task needs, the needs of the team and individuals needs. Action by the leader in any one of the areas will affect the other areas. The needs of all three areas need to be equally met and satisfied. This can be achieved through awareness and understanding of what is required of themselves as leaders and of what is needed from the three areas. If all three areas are integrated and met with properly, the leader will have a greater effect and influence, improving the performance of their followers and of the organisations performance. (Mullins, 2002. ) To return to the definition of leadership by Mullins: A relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people. Mullins (2002) p. 904 We can see that through all three of our theories, the leader is influencing their followers. The Trait theory shows a person being a natural born leader who had an inherent flare to lead people. The Functional Approach required influence over people via responding to changes in the group and leaders growing into their roles with time and experience. Finally, the Action Centred Leadership theory showed influence over others by creating a balance across tasks and being aware that anything will affect each of these areas. (Mullins, 2002. ) The type of leadership a leader adopts can influence their followers greatly. If someone is a natural born leader, the followers house a certain amount of respect because it is a god-given talent. Functional leaders gain respect by learning with their followers and growing in strength over time. Action Centred leaders use their leadership skills to balance out the tasks, and through success, can gain respect of individuals. With the respect of their followers, leaders can manipulate them to the advantage of the organisations performance. With a clear idea of what leadership is and what it requires, I can now move on to introduce the concept of a manager into my argument. Again, to use one of Mullins definitions, I will define a managerial role: A role from which some work has to be delegated to subordinate roles The role includes planning, controlling, organising, commanding and co-ordinating the activities of the subordinates. Mullins (2002) p. 905 Many people are of the opinion that management and leadership is one and the same thing. They are wrong. There is a difference; managers are often viewed as getting things done through people to achieve the organisations targets. Leadership, on the other hand, is associated to the willingness of the followers and isnt often a role that has been set by the organisation, but has occurred naturally, it doesnt therefore have an official position within the organisations hierarchical structure. There is a difference in attitudes between management and leadership as well; they have different work goals and different relationships with people in the organisation. We can link this back to the Trait theory, leaders are naturally born and therefore managers can be made or be appointed. (Mullins, 2002. ) Management is complex, fragmented, its activities brief, opportunistic, predominantly verbal; leadership is more so. Management reacts. Leadership transforms, it makes a difference. Taffinder, P. (1995)2 taken from Mullins (2002) p. 256. There is a distinct difference managers tend to use objects, MIS and other resources to complete their tasks, whereas leaders go through people and lead them. The two roles do overlap however. Many methods of management training can also be used as a means of measuring leadership style Mullins (2002) p. 255. In order to be an effective manager, it may be necessary to adopt leadership styles and influences. The combination of both creates Managerial Leadership (Mullins, 2002. p. 253. ) By combining both elements, a type of manager will occur that should appeal to workers, someone in charge of the decision-making and yet, leads the people rather than directs them this can only have a positive effect upon the workers which will hopefully result in an overall improved performance.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Agent Nouns

Agent Nouns Agent Nouns Agent Nouns By Mark Nichol Why singer, but actor? Why doctor, but dentist? Why customer, but client? There seems to be no logic to the variation in endings for agent nouns. An agent noun, a word that identifies a person’s occupation or profession, place of origin or residence, or other association, or a device that performs a task, generally signals its function with a suffix. However, various endings are possible, and though the spelling of such words, because of their ubiquity, is often obvious, no set of rules is always reliable. Some people posit that the -er ending is found in words derived from Germanic sources, while the -or ending denotes Latinate words, but that’s not always true. (For example, adapt is from Latin, but its agent noun is adapter, not adaptor.) Alternatively, the -or ending appears in words referring to figures of authority (director, governor, inspector), but employer, manager, and teacher are counterexamples. (Occasionally, an agent noun has more than one spelling, as with adviser and advisor. It’s common practice in such cases to always prefer, for consistency, the first option listed in the dictionary, although in this case, doing so means that a writer will write adviser yet will spell the adjectival form advisory.) Another ending for agent nouns, -ist, might at first seem to consistently correspond to a positive value judgment, in that we associate it with scientist and words for those in scientific specialties (biologist, physicist), as well as powerful people (industrialist, philanthropist), but note the neutral bicyclist and the negative bigamist. Likewise, notice the variable status of people identified by the terms cineast (also spelled cineaste), enthusiast, and pederast, as well as the tongue-in-cheek neologism ecdysiast. Some endings for agent nouns are often associated with pejoratives, though there are exceptions. For example, beggar, burglar, and the archaic pedlar end with -ar, but so do registrar, scholar, and vicar. Bastard, coward, and drunkard, but steward and wizard. Mongrel and wastrel, but colonel and sentinel. Less common endings that might be associated with positive or negative words are -ant (accountant, but vagrant) and -ent (client, as well as agent itself, but indigent). Other rare examples are -aster (poetaster), which originally neutrally denoted partial resemblance but came to be exclusively derogatory; -ista, which is employed in lightheartedly pejorative terms such as fashionista (there’s also barista, borrowed from Italian, which in turn borrowed bar from English); and -nik (beatnik, peacenik), which in Russian or Yiddish is neutral but acquired a negative connotation in American English during the Cold War. As mentioned in the definition of â€Å"agent noun† above, that term also refers to inanimate objects. However, no consistent classification is possible for this subgroup: Why washer and dryer, but refrigerator? As revealed in these examples and the many terms for human agents referred to above agent nouns follow no rules of etymology or connotation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals50 Types of PropagandaShow, Don't Tell

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Economic analyses of collusive bidding behavior Article

Economic analyses of collusive bidding behavior - Article Example In line with this, anyone who will be caught guilty of entering into a collusion to control the auction price of milk will be required to pay fine, sent to jail for a period of six month, or both (Porter & Zona, 1997). Despite the government’s effort to control the incidence of collusion in school milk auctions in the U.S., the culture behind collusion in school milk auctions has been going on for a long period of time. The economic issues behind the procurement process and nature of auction for school milk will be provided to give the readers a better understanding of the case study. In response to the case study, some of the key economic issues that could explain the development of collusion in school milk auction will be identified and tackled in details. In line with this, the impact of economic factors like prices, consumer welfare, actual and potential competitors on market competition will be examined to enable us to determine whether or not economic reasons could stimulate the high incidence of collusion in school milk auction will be answered. As part of going through the explanation, the theory of supply and demand will be use to explain what really happens in the market of school milk. The main purpose of the study is to encourage the student to develop his/her expertise in analyzing the economic factors that could trigger the high incidence of collusion in school milk auction in Ohio. The market of school milk supply in the United States is purely affected by the demand, production process, and competition among the suppliers within a geographic area (Porter & Zona, 1997). Although the market of school milk supply is dictated by supply and demand curve, the fact that each school conducts a yearly auction does not necessarily mean that a higher the demand for milk supply would invite more potential milk suppliers to join the